HOW TO CREATE A PALM APPLICATION: 1) GET THE TOOLS go to install the tools into C:\PalmDev as follows: 0 edit config.sys by adding the following line: shell=C:\ /e:4096 /p (do this by going to start->run->sysedit config.sys) 1 install cygwin 2 install PRC tools 3 install pilRC (just needs to be unzipped) 4 install SDK 5 install SDK examples (just needs to be unzipped) 7 install emulator 8 add to PATH in cygnus.bat where to find PRCtools and pilrc SET PATH=c:\PALMDEV\CYGNUS\CYGWIN~1\H-I586~1\BIN;c:\palmdev\pilrc-2.8;%PATH% 9 add to PATH in autoexec.bat where to find cygwin, PRCtools, and pilrc (do this by going to start->run->sysedit autoexec.bat) c:\PalmDev\cygwin\cygwin-b20\H-i586-cygwin32\BIN;c:\PalmDev\PRC-Tools\H-i586-cygwin32\BIN;c:\PalmDev\pilrc-2.8 10 create a symbolic link to the sdk in C:\PalmDev as follows: rm sdk ln -s sdk-3.5 sdk 11 reboot 12 download a suitable debugROM 2) Write your source code (.c and .h files), using whichever editor you like. 3) Create your resource files (.rcp). 4) Obtain a suitable makefile. 5) Make sure that the relevant .c, .h, and .rcp files, and the makefile are all in the same directory. 6) Go into the cygwin shell and go to the directory containing the source files and type make. This will compile the source and create a PalmOS file (.prc, .pdb, or .pqa) in the same directory. 7) Double click on your debugROM. This should open up the emulator. 8) Right click on the emulator and select install application. Specify the application (this was created in step 6) should be good to go!